Next-Level Spiritual Warfare
Advanced Strategies for Defeating the Enemy
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Take Back What the Kingdom of Darkness Is Stealing from You!
Does it seem as though darkness usually wins when you battle in prayer? Do you feel discouraged to keep on praying when help is slow in coming?
God has answers for you, but interfering forces in the spiritual realm could be blocking you from receiving what is rightfully yours. Keying in on two vital areas of spiritual warfare--restoration and retribution--Venner J. Alston reveals strategies for partnering with heaven and engaging in militant prayer. Standing squarely on the foundation of Scripture, she helps you recognize the demonic structures operating against you and use powerful weapons to dismantle them.
Prayer is imperative for moving in the authority God has given believers. Learn to overthrow every assignment of hell that comes against you!
The enemy is attacking your prayer life. Fight back!
"We are enlisted in the most powerful army of the universe with weapons of warfare to ensure victorious breakthrough in order to see His Kingdom reign established. Be awakened and equipped to become the fearless and bold warrior you are destined to be."--Rebecca Greenwood, Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network; author, Authority to Tread and more
Venner J. Alston, Ph.D., travels through the United States, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean Islands and Africa communicating hope and offering Kingdom solutions to individual and societal issues. Venner is gifted to communicate God's Word across cultures and ethnicities. She is founder and apostle of Global Outreach Ministries and Training Center and Global Leadership Training Institute. She lives in Wisconsin, while establishing a base for ministry at Global Spheres in Corinth, Texas.
"'Any time hell launches a plan against you, it is a criminal act.' What a profound statement! Dr. Alston proceeds to describe in detail what this means and the corresponding action we should take. This book is chock-full of critical insights and essential interventions to nullify the fallout from spiritual criminal acts. I found the book fresh, engaging and very helpful in explaining how to overcome. Great book and worth the read!"
Barbara J. Yoder, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center and Breakthrough Apostolic Ministries Network
"Next-Level Spiritual Warfare is a powerful book that provokes believers with the understanding that spiritual ignorance is not to be tolerated. Venner Alston releases strategic revelation concerning principalities and powers, familial spirits and other hindrances to prayer. Every believer needs this book in their library!"
Barbara Wentroble, president, International Breakthrough Ministries and Breakthrough Business Leaders
"Believers are given spiritual weapons to defeat the kingdom of darkness through effective, power-packed warfare prayer. Venner Alston's insightful book, Next-Level Spiritual Warfare, takes believers up the revelatory ladder into the next dimension to learn the principles of persistent prayer that empower them to experience heaven's answers and breakthroughs."
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt, founder, Breath of the Spirit Ministries
"Spiritual warfare is a reality that all believers deal with in our lives, cities and regions. It is vital to have strong, wise and scriptural instruction on how to engage in effective warfare. As you journey through this book, you will be powerfully equipped to understand the enemy's tactics, and you will most definitely receive impartation and revelation about the awesome Kingdom inheritance that God has bestowed on each of us. Knowledge builds power for action. Be awakened to become the fearless and bold warrior you are destined to be."
Rebecca Greenwood, co-founder, Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network; author, Defeating Strongholds of the Mind
"You've prayed and believed God, yet there seems to be no answer. Could it be that the problem is not your faith, it's your fight? You have an adversary! And in this revelatory book, Venner Alston teaches us how to win the war in the heavens so that we can experience the manifestation in the earth."
Isaac Pitre, founder, Isaac Pitre Ministries
"This is a great, easy to read and useful handbook for living and praying effectively in the Kingdom. It teaches practical ways to open the pathways of God's blessings in our lives as well as how to overcome the enemy."
Kent Mattox, founder, Word Alive International Outreach