Making Sense of Spiritual Warfare

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Are You Prepared for Spiritual Warfare?

Whether you answer with a resounding yes, a fearful I don't think so, or even wonder if spiritual warfare is real, Eddie Smith wants to help you become better prepared for the assignment God has for you. In his straightforward, practical style, Eddie cuts through the confusion and clutter often associated with the issue of spiritual warfare. He clearly shows what it is, who is involved, and what part you may have to play in the age-old conflict, using illustrations from his many years on the front lines of intercessory prayer and following God's leading.

You'll come away understanding the devil's targets and strategy, the battlefields where war is waged, who holds the real power, and what God may ask of you--and how to fully prepare for the assignment.

The Author

  1. Eddie Smith

    Eddie Smith

    Eddie Smith, cofounder and president of the U.S. Prayer Center (, equips pastors and intercessors worldwide. He's coauthor of the bestseller Spiritual Housecleaning with his wife, Alice. The Smiths make their home in Houston, Texas.

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