Living on Purpose

Finding God’s Best for Your Life

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In this era of "life makeovers," personal coaches, and success-oriented mission statements, many people are working hard to get it together. They're looking for a good life, which at its core includes wanting their time to count for something, to be meaningful and mindful. But as Christine and Tom Sine point out, "more and more people are missing the best and settling for less."
Living on Purpose presents a true life-changing strategy--one rooted in God's greater purposes for our lives, not merely our own desires for success. The book has a laser-focus on God's mission and vocation for each of his children, and it shows how staying on his course will lead to the very richest and most fulfilling life. Questions for reflection and discussion make Living on Purpose ideal for group use.
The Sines help readers make the connection between their everyday pursuits and goals and God's will for their lives. They show how to draft a personal or family mission statement to reinvent "timestyle" and lifestyle, using relevant examples from the Bible and other writings. Packed with inspiring stories and practical how-to, Living on Purpose leads readers to a more relaxed, festive, and meaningful life that truly counts--for today and eternity.


"This book is both a mirror and a road map. The mirror accurately portrays the busyness and materialism of life in Boom City. It invites the reader to take the exit ramp leading to a life style that is infinitely more fulfilling and in keeping with "kingdom values." An essential part of this life-changing experience is the drafting of a personal mission statement. The book is richly illustrated and soundly grounded in Scripture, including passages many prefer to ignore. " Edgar Stoesz, former Executive Director of the Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, PA

"An inspiring book which practically spells out how to lead a meaningful life. A must-read for those searching to live life to the max!" Tim Costello, President of the Baptist Union of Australia

"Finally, a practical guide for today's Christian leader to intentionally setting in motion a personally-defined plan for whole-life stewardship. Not since Dewwell's Measuring Your Life and Guiness's The Call has there been such a comprehensive contribution to Christians searching for a life plan. Christine and Tom Sine craft a guide for Living on Purpose in a way not attempted before. Each chapter weaves together guidance in a way that each person can use to write their personal mission statement for their life's calling. If stewardship is a disciple's response to God, then this book is a compass to navigate one's spiritual gifting and calling in life." Scott Preissler, President and CEO, Christian Stewardship Association

"Tom and Christine Sine are passionate about the idea that we can discover God's purposes for out lives, and in that discovery our lives can be richer, more festive and more meaningful than we'd ever imagined. Since Living on Purpose is designed to be used as a study book we tested it out in our church. We found it helped people to connect their Sunday faith to their lives seven days a week by providing practical tools to link our lives more intentionally to God's purposes." Tom Patterson, Associate Pastor, Sierra Presbyterian Church, California

"Observers in Acts called Christians 'those people who are turning the world upside down.' What about You? What kind of impact does Jesus have in your life and your church? Where are your dreams taking you? Are you pursuing the American dream or God's dream? Are you seeking God's reign with your whole life? Christine and Tom Sine reflect on Scripture and ask practical questions about how you spend your energy and what influences your choices. If you want to be a part of God turning the world upside down, this book will help you." Paula Harris, Acting Director of Urbana, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

"Through their writings, Tom and Christine Sine have been my behind-the-scene mentors for years. Now, through Living on Purpose, they offer deep wisdom and practical challenges to us all live in ways that make sense in our world as it is, so that we can help our world what it can and should be." Brian McLaren, author, More Ready Than You Realize, pastor, Cedar Ridge Community Church, Maryland

"Interested in living life to the fullest? Tom and Christine Sine help us focus through the eyes of God and scripture to help us shape our personal mission statement for living the Christian journey through life. Why is such a book necessary? Because we often let others define how we live life or determine our life journey solely by our self-centered needs and wants. This book will help you 'to find the enormous satisfaction of living on purpose.' We don't live in isolation--we live in community. Read this book and discover how you can do this and live life to the fullest." Robert J. Chandler, Associate General Secretary for World Mission Support, American Baptist Churches

"Wow! Christine and Tom Sine have laid before the professing church a challenge beyond conformity to the culture to a demonstration of the character and conduct reflective of Jesus Christ. Without a doubt, this book is for the church in America helping to calibrate Christians towards the cause of Christ in life choices. The cities and communities of America are waiting for such Christians!" Revs. Jarvis C. Ward & Glenn A. Barth, Mission America National Facilitators

"Tom and Christine Sine have helped us better understand what 'seek first the kingdom of God' could mean in our individual lives. They show us how to live our lives intentionally." Michael D. Reeves, Ph.D., President, United Methodist Foundation of Louisiana

"If there were a time for American Christians to ask what it really means to be followers of Christ, it is now. Of this we can be sure; the self-absorbed, pampered Christianity we have constructed over the past three decades will not help transform post-rubble America. It will not give any one a shred of hope, nor will it draw and increasingly fearful, shattered people to their Redeemer. Only a faith that is radically lived and deeply rooted in God's historic purposes will make any difference now. Thank you, thank you, Tom and Christine Sine, for having the forethought and the courage to write this book while the rest of us were sleeping." Sally Morgenthaler, author of Worship Evangelism: Inviting Unbelievers Into the Presence of God

"Tom and Christine held out a candle, God struck the match and now there is yet another light in the tunnel. It's time for change." Graham Kerr, International Culinary Consultant

The Authors

  1. Christine Sine

    Christine Sine

    Continue reading about Christine Sine

  2. Tom Sine

    Tom Sine

    Tom Sine (Ph.D., University of Washington) is a futurologist who consults with Christian organizations around the world. He has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and the University of Washington. His previous books include Wild Hope, The Mustard Seed...

    Continue reading about Tom Sine