Let's Talk
Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters
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A scripted guide for leading heartfelt conversations with your daughter to build a stronger bond through laughter, honesty, and reflection.
The challenge for every dad of a daughter is to engage her in conversations that are meaningful and life-giving, especially during difficult times. Having insight into what to say and how to say it will distinguish you in building a healthy bond with your daughter.
Combining her decades of experience in coaching fathers and counseling young women, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield is here to help you bridge the communication gap. And since every dad-daughter relationship is unique, she gives you exactly what you need to effectively pursue your daughter's heart. Having field-tested hundreds of scripted questions, covering topics from personality and future dreams to body image and emotional complexities, her book imparts wisdom to dads, reminding you that listening and building trust are the keys to a life-long positive relationship.
You can create a heart-to-heart connection with your daughter by using this step-by-step guide, beginning with fun, light-hearted topics and moving to deep discussions that dive into your daughters' questions, fears, hurts, and hopes.
Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, author, and radio host of The Dad Whisperer living in Portland, Oregon. As founder of The Abba Project, a nine-month process group forum for dads with daughters from 13 to 30, Dr. Michelle is passionate about equipping and inspiring fathers to dial in to their daughters' hearts intentionally and consistently. Learn more at www.drmichellewatson.com.
"Dr. Michelle Watson has spent years and years helping men and women overcome some of the hard stories that hinder their joy and sabotage their relationships. Now she's homing in on a primary source of those hard stories--working to coach dads to enable them to write good stories for their own daughters. Brilliant! Bold! And so very brave!"
Phil and Diane Comer, cofounders/teachers of Intentional Parents
"Research shows that dads have a profound impact on their daughters' lives. Michelle has created the kind of resource that will help build stronger father-daughter bonds by opening communication in a way that fosters deeper trust and understanding."
Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher, speaker, and bestselling author of The Kindness Challenge, For Women Only, and For Parents Only
"My father and I were incredibly close when I was young, I was 'Daddy's girl,' but when puberty hit, the whole relationship turned bizarre and painful. I became rebellious, his control issues took front stage, and as a result of the strife, he disowned me. For any daughter or father who wants a deeper and sweeter relationship, this book is a good road map helping you to reach that destination. A great read for dads and daughters regardless of your age!"
Delilah Rene, radio host, author of One Heart at a Time
"As a father of three girls, this book is a game-changer. So many dads grew up without a dad and need counsel on how to love and cherish their daughters, and show them how they should expect to be loved and treated by a man. With practical and wise advice, Let's Talk can change your life and legacy as a dad. Every dad with a daughter needs to read this book!"
John Finch, storyteller and creator of The Father Effect movie
"Dr. Michelle Watson's new book, Let's Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters, offers sage advice to equip fathers to pursue the hearts of their daughters. Michelle offers insightful scripts to help your daughter open up, trust, and deepen her bond with you--her dad, the most important man in her life. Michelle's childhood, professional training, and experiences working with dads has uniquely gifted her to help us have life-changing conversations as we guard and guide the hearts of our precious daughters!"
Stephen Kendrick, founder of Kendrick Brothers Productions, co-writer of War Room and Facing the Giants, and coauthor of the bestseller The Love Dare
"I'm a 'step-up' dad to a seventeen-year-old daughter whose father stepped out of her life. Building trust with her was like climbing Mount Everest. I eventually made it to the top, but the climb would've been so much easier if I'd had Let's Talk as a guide years ago."
Dr. Joe Martin, host of the Real Men Connect podcast
"Every father wants to connect with his daughter(s). But we often struggle with what to do and say. Dr. Michelle makes things easy for us--laying out fifty easy-to-follow conversation starters that will get you talking, laughing, and understanding each other better."
David Murrow, director, Church for Men
"This is a must-read book for dads. Communication between dads and daughters can be so challenging; this book will help you overcome that challenge. Michelle is one of the top experts in the nation who is helping dads tackle the highest calling men have: to be a dad! Get this book, read this book, read it again, and just when you think you understand it, read it again!"
Jason Noble, pastor, motivational speaker, author of Breakthrough to Your Miracle
"My daughter is thirteen. I'm desperate to know how to ask questions that get us further than 'fine.' Let's Talk is exactly what I need. Dr. Michelle is compassionate but also direct. On every conceivable topic--even hard ones--she handed me a game plan. There's no fluff here, just practical and immediately usable guidance. I'm so grateful."
Marc Alan Schelske, pastor and author of The Wisdom of Your Heart
"With Let's Talk, Michelle Watson Canfield gives us the gift of years of clinical research and in-the-trenches experience coaching men to become better dads to their daughters. Her work is fresh, accessible, practical, and proven. Every dad will benefit from this book, and every daughter will benefit from having a tuned-in dad."
Bo Stern-Brady, author of Beautiful Battlefields
"In a world where so many of us (fathers) were never taught even the basic skills of loving our daughters well, Dr. Watson offers an insightful, brilliant, and helpful strategy that gives me great hope for my own relationships."
Paul Young, author of The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve, and Lies We Believe About God