Las prácticas de la predicación cristiana
Rudimentos para la proclamación eficaz
Materials available for professors by request only
4. Preach Clearly
Chapter 4 - Introduction
Chapter 4 - Collaborator Discussion
Collaborator Discussion Questions
Kenyatta Gilbert challenged us to “be simple but go deep.” What would have to change in your preaching in order for this to happen more often than it does now?
Matthew Kim pointed out that sermons are not exegesis papers, thus, we have freedom to repeat and restate more often. How much or little do you do this when you preach? If doing so feels awkward for you, why do you think that is the case?
Jerusha Matsen Neal described the importance of being able to state what the gospel promise is for our sermon. Why do you think a lot of preachers struggle to do this well?
Ahmi Lee challenged us not to cram all of the information we have into one sermon, but to see our sermons as one piece in a larger preaching ministry. How could having a macro-view of our preaching ministry help us become clearer as preachers?
Jared Alcántara compared faithful preaching ministry to cooking meals for a family over the long haul. What connections do you see between these two practices?