Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


18. Encountering the Religions of the World

Discussion Questions

  1. Which of the world’s religions presents the greatest challenge to the gospel? Why?
  2. In what ways might Christians join together with believers of other religions to fight against such things as trafficking, political tyranny, or environmental destruction? What limits (if any) would you put on partnering?
  3. What do you think are appropriate limits on contextualization in Islamic and Hindu settings? For example, is it right for a missionary to allow himself or herself to be thought of as a Muslim?
  4. What are indicators of syncretism in the church? What role should the missionary take in exposing syncretistic beliefs and practices in indigenous churches?
  5. Can genuine followers of another religion go to heaven? Explain your answer!
  6. Four areas were mentioned as important in taking other religions seriously: respect, humility, sensitivity, and advocacy. Which is the hardest for you and why?
  7. What are “folk Christian” beliefs and practices that you see in the churches in your home country?
  8. What can a prospective missionary do to prepare for having to observe, or perhaps even become the victim of, religious persecution (including martyrdom)?


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