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Interpreting the Old Testament

A Guide for Exegesis

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"A fine book for those who are beginning their journey into the serious study of the Old Testament. . . . This book will no doubt serve as a standard reference tool and textbook for years to come."--Richard E. Averbeck, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Every serious student of the Old Testament quickly realizes the inherent difficulty of the interpretive task. The literature of the Old Testament poses unique challenges and requires methodologies different from those used to interpret the New Testament. This textbook has been designed to provide students with a useful methodology for interpreting Old Testament texts. Not simply a book of theory, this work provides practical help to students as they seek to understand and apply the Old Testament.

The authors, all leading evangelical scholars, were chosen because of their particular expertise in the various aspects of the interpretive process.





"This book is a splendid introduction to the exegesis of the Old Testament. It presents and critiques the range of scholarly tools that have been developed to bring out the sense of Scripture and also gives hand-on examples of how they may be used in specific passages. Both the explanations given by the contributors and their citation of further reading in each area open doors for the serious student of the Old Testament to the meaning of the sacred text."--Leslie Allen, Fuller Theological Seminary

"Craig Broyles and his colleagues have written a fine book for those who are beginning their journey into the serious study of the Old Testament. The chapters are easy to read yet truly informative--even formative--for the reader. The basic questions are asked and receive clear, concise, and penetrating answers. This book will no doubt serve as a standard reference tool and textbook for years to come."--Richard Averbeck, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"This volume presents a useful overview of several pertinent issues for today's readers of the Old Testament. We should all be grateful to the editor and authors for bringing us up to date regarding recent trends in interpretive theory and the latest tools necessary for interpreting the text for our changing world."--Bill T. Arnold, Asbury Theological Seminary

The Author

  1. Craig C. Broyles

    Craig C. Broyles

    Craig C. Broyles is professor of religious studies at Trinity Western University, Canada. He is author of The Conflict of Faith and Experience: A Form-Critical and Theological Study of Selected Lament Psalms and co-editor of Writing and Reading the Scroll...

    Continue reading about Craig C. Broyles


"Clearly a quality addition to the available introductions to biblical exegesis. Its authors are honest and thoughtful in completing the goal of 'helping to unlock the Bible's richness and depth.'. . . Scholars could certainly benefit from the insights the work's authors have provided and would certainly find the text useful in opening a dialogue with students."--Daryl F. Jefferies, Review of Biblical Literature

"This is a solid, dependable collection of essays on the various topics related to the contemporary practice of exegesis."--Sejin Park, Canadian Evangelical Review

"The book as a whole gives a strong impression that exegesis is an art of listening, being attentive to the voice of God that speaks through the Bible."--Yonky Karman, Calvin Theological Journal

"This book has many strong points. . . . [It] will be useful and fruitful for the reader who is entering the world of OT interpretation for the first time."--Scott A. Ashmon, Concordia Journal

"Firmly grounded in theoretical issues but the orientation is thoroughly practical, setting out systematic approaches and providing worked examples and guides to further resources. . . . The book challenges those who read the Bible at face value to penetrate beneath the surface and mine its riches, and seeks to provide the tools and skills to do so."--A. K. Jenkins, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

"A helpful collection of nine original essays by eight Old Testament scholars. . . . The editor and contributors have provided the church and the academy with a very helpful tool for enabling students, pastors and scholars to read and interpret the Bible properly. As a pastor and teacher, I found these essays to be of great help in refreshing my memory and in challenging me to a renewed commitment to this task. Seminary students will find this work quite useful as a supplement to their texts on exegetical method. Pastors would do well to obtain a copy and digest its contents. In the end, their congregations would greatly benefit as they hear sermons and participate in Bible studies."--David M. Phillips, Ashland Theological Journal