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How to Preach without Notes

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Effective speaking is key in reaching people with the gospel and growing our churches. And delivering powerful messages without being tied to manuscripts, outlines, or notes is the key to effective speaking. A classic that has stood the test of time, How to Preach without Notes can show you how to do just that.

Among the topics discussed are the biblical conception of preaching, the advantages of preaching without notes, homiletical devices, the importance of structure, and the systematic filing of materials. For almost fifty years, pastors and seminary students have benefited from the principles found in this book. Now you can too.

The Author

  1. Charles W. Koller

    Charles W. Koller

    Charles W. Koller (1896-1983) taught ministerial students at Northern Seminary for more than twenty years, in addition to serving as its president. An influential preacher and a popular conference speaker, Koller earned his ThD from Southwestern Baptist...

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