How to Increase Giving in Your Church
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441223609
- Pub. Date
- Jul 1997
- $15.99
One of the most difficult tasks facing any church leader is the issue of raising funds. It's not that we don't realize that tithing and giving are biblical issues; God's Word is full of strong statements about the stewardship of money. But how does a pastor convey God's heart for stewardship? Literally, what's the best way to raise the money your church needs to survive? Obviously, God is the one who builds the church and he is the ultimate provider. But what's the best process of shepherding the funds he has for your church? This step-by-step guide will give you tools you need to raise funds in your church--scripturally and successfully--without compromising biblical integrity. After all, it's God's church and his mone--but our responsibility to manage it.