God's Best-Kept Secret
Christianity Is Easier Than You Think

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What if God never meant for us to try so hard?
What if overcoming sin doesn't mean we have to rely on our own self-control?
What if loving others isn't about saying and doing all the right things?
What if suffering isn't designed to teach us lessons?
What if we could feel closer to God without doing anything?
In God's Best-Kept Secret, Mark Maulding, founder of Grace Life International, explodes our preconceived notions about living the Christian life, freeing us to stop just going through the motions and to instead experience true fulfillment. Illuminating commonly misunderstood Bible verses, Mark shows us that following God is not as complicated as we often make it out to be.
And, in fact, the answer to our struggles has been hiding in plain sight all along.
"A marvelous journey to discover your identity in Christ and how to live by grace. Reading this book will be one of the best decisions you've ever made!"--Derwin Gray, lead pastor of Transformation Church; author of Limitless Life
"Maulding wonderfully unpacks what God has clearly told us but few of us have grasped: the Christian life is not about our striving effort but about Christ living in us."--David Gregory, New York Times bestselling author of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger
"This book carries the potential to change your entire outlook on God and life itself. Prepare to be surprised and encouraged."--Andrew Farley, bestselling author of The Naked Gospel; host of Andrew Farley LIVE on Sirius XM
Mark Maulding is founder of Grace Life International, one of the largest Christian counseling and teaching ministries in America. A speaker, counselor, and leadership coach, Maulding is a regular blogger who is passionate about sharing the transforming message of God's grace with a world in desperate need of it. He and his wife, Ellen, have four adult children and live in North Carolina.
"Get ready. Get ready for what? For Jesus, through Mark's book, God's Best-Kept Secret, to transform your life. Like a skilled navigator, Mark will lead you on a marvelous journey to discover your identity in Christ and how to live by grace. Reading this book will be one of the best decisions you've ever made!"
Derwin Gray, lead pastor of Transformation Church; author of Limitless Life
"With the heart of a counselor and the mind of a theologian, Mark Maulding wonderfully unpacks what God has clearly told us but few of us have grasped: the Christian life is not about our striving effort but about Christ living in us. Scales will drop from your eyes as you absorb the liberating truth of the actual good news and enter into Christ's fullness. I am thrilled about this gift to the body of Christ!"
David Gregory, New York Times bestselling author of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger
"This book carries the potential to change your entire outlook on God and life itself. Prepare to be surprised and encouraged by the powerful and liberating truths it contains. If you read only one Christian book this year, let God's Best-Kept Secret be the one!"
Andrew Farley, bestselling author of The Naked Gospel, host of Andrew Farley LIVE on Sirius XM
"Secrets intrigue us. We want to know what they are. Most of the time they disappoint--but not God's Best-Kept Secret. This one will change your life. Mark Maulding has been revealing this secret for years through his counseling and speaking ministry. Now he brings his wealth of experience and keen insights to this wonderful book. Read it carefully and discover all God has for you in Christ Jesus. You will be glad you did!"
Bob Christopher, president of Basic Gospel and author of Simple Gospel, Simply Grace
"On this five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, most Christians have yet to discover how to live from their spiritual union with Christ. Mark discerns that the believer's new spirit--rather than the soul--is the basis for their new identity and nature. Although the 'secret' Mark shares seems too good to be true, his use of biblical support, personal testimonies, and practical applications confirm the wisdom of taking the easier yoke of grace discipleship."
Dr. John Woodward, director of counseling and training, Grace Fellowship International
"Jesus promised to all who believe in him the experience of abundant life. Yet sadly, so few Christians seem to attain it. In this wonderful new book, Mark Maulding offers not only an explanation for why but also the way to lay hold of that promised abundant life. I heartily recommend this great new book!"
Frank Friedmann, teaching pastor, Grace Life Fellowship
"It's powerful and refreshing to read a book on grace that's accessible, practical, profound, and life-giving. Because Mark understands the heart of God so honestly and authentically, he is able to give us challenges and insights that help distill and clarify truth from the lies we've told ourselves. He's reclaiming for Christians the life we came to Jesus for: full life, freedom, and heartfelt obedience. This book will free many for years to come."
John Lynch, coauthor of The Cure