Encountering the New Testament, 4th Edition
A Historical and Theological Survey
series: Encountering Biblical Studies
Materials available for professors by request only
9. Lord, Teach Us
Discussion Questions
- What were the common bases of understanding between Jesus and the people to whom he preached?
- What was the sermon you heard most recently? Did you learn something you didn’t know?
- Do you think it is ever inappropriate to use object lessons in teaching God’s Word?
- Why can’t we find a systematic presentation of Jesus’s theology in the Bible?
- Why do you think that Jesus only spoke of a special relationship with other human beings?
- What methods did Jesus use to make God real in the lives of the people?
- There has been much discussion about whether the lost will be tormented or destroyed. What does Jesus teach about this?
Assignment Ideas / Class Activities
- Divide the class into small groups and ask each group to give some object lessons for teaching a passage of the Bible that they select. End by having all of these shared with the class.
- Divide the class into groups and have each group decide the significance of one of the titles for Jesus: a. Teacher b. Rabbi c. Son of David d. Son of Man
- Present a ten-minute skit based on one of Jesus’s teachings. Place the setting in the time of Christ. Then present the same teaching in a contemporary setting.
- Have a group study what Jesus says about who God is and what he is like. Present the findings to the class in the format of a panel discussion.
- Have a group work together to find all the titles of Jesus in the Gospels. Have them make a banner for one of them to be used in one of their churches.
- Locate all of the “I am” sayings in the Gospels. List them with the references and show how these make Jesus the absolute answer to all human needs.