Encountering the New Testament, 4th Edition
A Historical and Theological Survey
series: Encountering Biblical Studies
Materials available for professors by request only
2. The Middle East in the Days of Jesus
Discussion Questions
- What do you find to be the significance of Alexander the Great for the New Testament?
- Compare the good things Herod the Great did for his territory with what the current American president has done.
- What do you think Herod Antipas really wanted to do with Jesus? Present incidents that will support your ideas.
- What are some examples of polytheistic syncretism?
Assignment Ideas / Class Activities
- Provide students with a map of Palestine and have them identify the main cities, regions, and areas based on this chapter. Students could use the key terms available as their list of important points.
- Have students chart out a timeline of significant events in Jewish and Greco-Roman history.
- Use a chart of ancient kings and have students decide if their reigns were positive or negative.
- Using chart paper, make a flowchart showing the events leading up to the fall of Jerusalem.
- Develop a “Who Am I?” game to identify different religious groups.