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Dawn of a New Day

series: American Century

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It is the tumultuous 1960s: Kennedy, Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, and youth culture are on everyone's minds and lips. Prosperity and progress are undergirded with a sense of uneasiness for the Stuart family, along with the rest of the country. With a movie deal on the horizon, Bobby Stuart's star may be rising, but his descent into celebrity drug culture might be his undoing. And young love is blooming between two people who never expected it.
Gilbert Morris fans will be delighted with his foray into a colorful and controversial decade. Dawn of a New Day is the final, never-before-published conclusion to the popular American Century series.

The Author

  1. Gilbert Morris

    Gilbert Morris

    Gilbert Morris spent ten years as a pastor before becoming Professor of English at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas. He earned a Ph.D. at the University of Arkansas, and did postgraduate work at the University of London. His publishing credits include...

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