Culture Shift
Communicating God’s Truth to Our Changing World
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441231628
- Pub. Date
- Nov 1998
- $22.00
As postmodern thinking continues to pervade our culture, it is increasingly urgent that Christians communicate the gospel in ways that are understandable to the postmodern mind-set.
We've done our work, writes David Henderson, "carefully unfolding God's spoken Word. Now we pack up our insights into well-chosen phrases and send them out across this nation's pulpits and restaurant tables and neighborhood fences. But As postmodern thinking continues to pervade our culture, it is dramatic shifts in American culture have nudged the world out of reach of the words we've so carefully selected.
Culture Shift is an invaluable resource for Christian leaders in churches and in parachurch organizations, seminary and Bible college students, and thinking Christians who desire to interact with seekers and nonbelievers. Readers will gain a lucid view of:
- how the culture breeds consumers, spectators, and self-absorbed individuals
- how people think in a relativistic world with no room for God
- how to break out of the Christian subculture to communicate with the postmodern world
The world has moved, Henderson writes. This book will help readers discover where it has moved and how to meet it there.
"This is a book that overflows with facts and figures, stories and illustrations, practical advice and challenge. Henderson gives his readers extensive help in this whole process. He names books to read, he describes ways to stay in touch with what is happening in the world around you, he offers biblical critiques of cultural elements, and he provides a punchy commentary on specific ways to preach and teach in light of these cultural realities. Culture Shift is a case study in cultural exegesis that will enrich the ministry of all who read it."--Richard V. Peace
"This is the book we have been needing --preachers and lay persons alike. It speaks powerfully to the debate on how we can communicate Christ both with freshness and faithfulness. Readable and practical, it is packed full of insights into how we got where we are--thoughtful critique of our culture-- and practical suggestions. In itself it is a superb model of how to be sensitive to people without soft-pedaling truth. Read it and you'll quote it."--Leighton Ford
"I hope every Christian reads this book. It is one of the most enlightening, practical books that I have ever read on communicating biblical truth to the people of this generation. Henderson provides a superb commentary on our popular culture, setting it in the context of the history of Western thought. What could be a stuffy read turns out to be anything but that. It is very engaging, very readable. You won't put it down once you get into it!"--Jim Peterson
"David Henderson has captured with understanding the needs of the burgeoning generation of men and women who desperately need to hear about the Savior. Henderson writes with care and captures the essence of what is needed to touch the rising generation."--Scott M. Gibson
"The right tool for the right job makes a world of difference. In the urgent and extraordinary challenge of communicating the Gospel today, David Henderson's Culture Shift is just such a resource."--Mark Labberton
"This is a brilliant and necessary cultural insight for our watershed moment in history. With pastoral heart, David Henderson teaches us to artfully translate God's Word to our world's hunger."--Kelly Monroe (author of Finding God at Harvard)
The Author
"Easy-to-read but also provides plenty of healthy meat upon which to ruminate. . . . [It] is a mighty good sermon from which those of us who preach regularly will gain much benefit. I give Henderson's book a hearty 'thumbs up.' It should not be read just by preachers but by everyone who has a passion for evangelism in America. . . . It would also serve as an excellent small group study."--Stone-Campbell Journal (April 1999)
"I believe this book would be a worthy addition to anyone's library who seeks to better understand the culture, and more importantly, seeks to impact our society with the claims of the gospel."--Strategies for Today's Leader (Fall 1999)
"Whether you are a layperson or pastor, Culture Shift will equip you with concepts that can help you enhance how you reach the variety of people you encounter on a daily basis. . . . Culture Shift will give you a clear understanding of the key elements of communication, prepare you for a new comfort level in reaching those around you, and ignite an even greater desire to successfully reach our chaning world."--On Mission (May-June 1999)
"Henderson urges believers to understand the times in which we live and provides a valuable resource for doing that. . . . This book is informative, illustrative, and engaging. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to become a better evangelist."--Moody (May/June 1999)
"Henderson describes six crucial changes that have shifted Western culture and suggests a biblical response to each one."--Leadership Network (April/May/June 1999)
"Henderson is well-suited to write a book such as this. . . . The principles he presents have particular validity for preaching. He exudes a passion for presenting Jesus Christ to a relativistic, confused, and drifting generation. Application of the principles presented here will make one a more effective communicator of the gospel."--Preaching (May/June 1999)
"This is an excellent book for anybody who wants to understand and communicate in the counseling room or elsewhere with contemporary people who have no knowledge of Christianity, little or no interest in the church, and no inner peace despite their enmeshment in new spiritualities. Henderson [has] an unusual ability to communicate clearly and cogently. . . . The author is an engaging writer who is often thought provoking and practical in his suggestions for communicating effectively. . . . This highly recommended book has a lot of practical guidance for those of us in the Christian counseling field."--Christian Counseling Today (1999, vol. 7 no. 1)
"Henderson has clearly done extensive, incisive thinking about how to communicate effectively about spiritual truth in today's world. His book is permeated with right-brained illustrations and anecdotes, both current and powerful. This is a valuable volume for any Christian who wants to share the gospel more effectively one-on-one and/or when speaking to a group."--Fresh Pages and Tapes (February/March 1999)
"A multitude of books dealing with postmodernism, paradigm shifts, and cultural changes can be found on booksellers' shelves. Why another one? David Henderson, with a delightful foreword by Haddon Robinson, provides a carefully defined and insightful treatment of six qualities that he has defined as characteristic of this era. The qualities are not new; what is refreshing is his disciplined address to each issue. . . . Extremely practical for those engaged in ministry while retaining a disciplined approach to the topic."--Calvin Theological Journal (April 1999)
"Every preacher could benefit by taking Henderson's description of today's culture seriously. Especially helpful are his suggestions on how to communicate God's Word in this culture. You will enjoy his easy writing style filled with examples and personal stories."--Concordia Pulpit Resources (volume 9, part 4)
"A clear and passionate call for preachers to communicate the relevance of biblical truth to contemporary culture. Henderson provides a readable summary of evangelical Christianity's analysis of the postmodern mind and heart. . . . The author's appeal to live and speak God's truth to a lost world offers passionate encouragement."--Bibliotheca Sacra (January-March 2000)
"If you want to become more effective in communicating biblical truth in a relevant way, effectively breaking through our cultural mind-sets, this book is for you."--Tim McIntyre, Enrichment