Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life
An Invitation to Wonder

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Philosophy is often seen as anything but practically relevant to everyday life. In this brief, accessible introduction, Ross Inman explores four hidden assumptions that lurk behind questions involving philosophy's relevance. He shows that philosophy is one of most practical subjects of study, for it satisfies our deep human need to make sense of it all.
This book recovers a more classical vision of Christian philosophy as an entire way of life. Inman shows that wonder is the distinctively human posture that drives and sustains the examined life and makes a compelling case that philosophy is valuable, practical, and significant for every aspect of Christian life and ministry. Living philosophically as a Christian enables us to be properly attuned to what is true and good in Christ and to orient our lives to the highest goals worth pursuing.
This is an ideal introductory book for students of philosophy, Christian thought, and worldview studies. It will also work well in classical school, high school, and homeschool contexts.
1. An Invitation to Wonder
2. Wonder as the Lifeblood of Philosophy
3. Philosophy as a Way of Life
4. Recovering Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life
5. Diagnosing Our Existential Ailments
6. Christian Philosophical Remedies for Our Existential Ailments
7. Philosophy for the Sake of What, Exactly?
8. Philosophy Is Practical? Are You Kidding?
9. The Pilgrim Way and the Christian Philosophical Way of Life
10. Philosophy, the Contemplative Life, and the Church
Conclusion: Philosophy Can Change Your Life, Really
"Ross Inman has established himself as one of the leading evangelical philosophers; moreover, he exudes a love for Jesus and a passion for communicating difficult ideas to a broad audience in an accessible way. To be completely honest, Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life is one of the best (if not the best) introductions to philosophy I have ever read. I was taking notes all the way through! Inman presents philosophy as an immensely practical field with tremendous benefits for living a flourishing, healthy life. While he covers the important foundational topics, this is no ordinary introductory text. It is chock-full of new ideas and rich, life-giving help, all done in a conversational style. Wow, I love this book!"
J. P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; author of A Simple Guide to Experiencing Miracles
"Ross Inman has given us a wonder-filled book on the nature and value of living philosophically. Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life powerfully demonstrates the centrality of philosophy to a flourishing life under the banner of Christ. Inman expertly diagnoses our modern existential ailments and shows how a distinctly Christian philosophical way of life, rooted in the ways of Jesus and the church's teachings throughout the ages, provides the medicine we need. Read this book. Ponder it. And then enter into the rich history of philosophical thinking as you organize your life around the good that is God. This is essential reading for any Christian wanting to walk in the ways of Jesus."
Paul M. Gould, associate professor of philosophy of religion, director of the Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion program, Palm Beach Atlantic University
"In this engaging and well-written book, Ross Inman provides a winning and accessible guide to Christian philosophy as a way of life. Inman helpfully describes the role that philosophy can play in structuring one's mind and feelings, correcting false perceptions of the world, and developing the character needed to resist disordered desires and mistaken views. Inman shows Christians how philosophy can help transform lives in ways that fit with the truth, wisdom, and goodness found in Christ. For non-Christians, Inman's work clearly shows the value the Christian tradition continues to find in the pursuit of wisdom and the right use of reason."
Caleb Cohoe, professor and chair, Department of Philosophy, Metropolitan State University of Denver; lead faculty advisor, The Mellon Philosophy as a Way of Life Project; collaborator, Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life
"In this spirited book, Ross Inman has the audacity to argue that philosophy--of all things!--can change your life and, indeed, that living philosophically as a Christian is one of the most practical ways to live. Readers may be forgiven for initially balking at such a thesis, but by the end they will be convinced. Exploring our deep hunger for awe and wonder, Inman shows that a Christian philosophical way of life enables the pursuit of beatitude and a life oriented to God and neighbor in truth and love. A warm invitation and an immensely helpful guide to a life well-lived."
Robert K. Garcia, associate professor of philosophy, Baylor University
"In this intellectually engaging and spiritually edifying book, Ross Inman shows how philosophy, far from being something to be regarded with indifference or antipathy by Christians, should be seen as integrally important to the life of faith. Starting with a discussion of the experience of wonder as the lifeblood of both the philosophical life and the Christian life, Inman develops a compelling vision of what it means to practice Christian philosophy as a way of life."
David McPherson, professor of philosophy, Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education, University of Florida