Breaking the Bonds of Evil
How to Set People Free from Demonic Oppression

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Deliverance is a powerful demonstration of God's authority over darkness, but if we do not identify and close up points of entry for demonic activity, we leave ourselves and those to whom we minister open to even more serious attack.
Using established biblical patterns for deliverance, along with experiences from more than fourteen years in deliverance ministry, Greenwood seeks to equip pastors, deliverance ministers and any Christian wanting to minister more effectively in this area. At the same time, she imparts both knowledge and hope to those in need of deliverance themselves. Breaking the Bonds of Evil reminds us that setting the captives free is at the center of God's heart.
"This book needs to be widely read and taught."--from the foreword by Eddie and Alice Smith, U.S. Prayer Center
"Breaking the Bonds of Evil is an uncomplicated approach to what many believe to be a scary subject. Rebecca carefully and systematically outlines a very clear procedure that will enable beginners to set people free from demonic oppression with confidence and effectiveness. Rebecca writes from vast experience and knowledge."--Doris M. Wagner, executive vice-president, Global Harvest Ministries
"I loved Rebecca's book because it is refreshing, simply written, informative and captured my attention. She handles this subject with insight, wisdom and compassion. I highly recommend it."--Barbara J. Yoder, National Apostolic Council, United States Strategic Prayer Network