Apprenticeship with Jesus
Learning to Live Like the Master

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Are you ready to really live your faith?
Ask a crowd of Christians whether they believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, and all hands will go up. Ask the same crowd whether they live like Jesus, and most of those same hands will come down. Why is this? Why is it so hard to bridge the gap between belief and real life?
Our way of living the Christian life is often more about intellect than experience. In this winsome book Gary W. Moon offers a thirty-day apprenticeship with Jesus, a journey in which you can actively practice being with Jesus day in and day out. Each day's reading uses compelling stories and Scripture and suggests an apprenticeship activity to help you bring your faith into real life.
"Apprenticeship with Jesus is a joy-filled resource for fleshing out the details of ongoing companionship with the Author of our salvation. Putting this book into practice day by day will substantially re-form the inner core of your life."--Richard J. Foster, author, Celebration of Discipline
"Gary Moon is a friend, a guide, and fellow apprentice. I know of few people with his passion or his clarity for the subject about which he speaks. I wish every follower of Jesus could have Gary's wisdom on the most important subject in the world--where do we find life?"-- John Ortberg, bestselling author; pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
"Gary provides wise guidance for our journey toward Christlikeness that is full of spiritual depth and good humor. What a delightful combination!"--Ruth Haley Barton, president, Transforming Center; author, Sacred Rhythms
"Gary Moon's Apprenticeship with Jesus is a well-written book with great stories, practical exercises, and special humor only Gary is capable of, plus deep biblical wisdom on learning to live like Jesus. I highly recommend it for everyone who wants to live as a true disciple of Christ.--Siang-Yang Tan, Fuller Theological Seminary
"Gary Moon's book is perfect for people striving to live and love like our Savior. With grace and beauty, Gary captures the wonder of our salvation, the challenge of our discipleship, and the thrill of transformation, and then follows with a practical guide for navigating this lifelong process. This book is a wonderfully practical tool for transformation."--Eric Parks, Monvee co-creator
The Author
"Moon's book is full of wisdom, laugh-out-loud humor, moving stories, and practical exercises designed to help the reader develop a lifelong practice of continually being with Jesus as his apprentice. . . . This approach to the cultivation of one's life with Jesus in a continual, moment-by-moment way will be paradigm shifting, and a breath of fresh air to many who feel stifled by traditional devotional habits commonly prescribed to Christ followers. Moon is to be commended for attempting to move us away from the exclusively forensic understanding of salvation that has contributed to the lack of any noticeable different between those who profess to be followers of Christ and those who do not. By casting a vision of discipleship as an apprentice relationship between the Master Jesus and ourselves, he invites us to see discipleship as a life of participation in what the Master is doing both in us and through us. . . . A worthwhile, accessible resource."--Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care