Almighty over All

Understanding the Sovereignty of God

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Understanding God's power and sovereignty helps us perceive our own weaknesses and ultimate dependence upon him. Our faith is grounded and established by what we believe (or don't believe) God is able and willing to do for us.

In Almighty over All pastor and writer R. C. Sproul Jr. methodically addresses various aspects of God's strength and how a thorough understanding of his sovereignty adds richness and peace to our lives. God is ultimately in control, Sproul asserts, from the tiniest details to the essential implications of salvation throughout eternity.

Sproul explains that God's unchanging being is the source of his strength. God has proven this sovereignty throughout history, and through his Word he reveals his strength and control as it relates to sin, the problem of evil, small details of life, Satan, salvation, sanctification, and eternity.

Those undergoing suffering will benefit greatly from Sproul's assertions about the purpose of pain in our lives and how God is still in loving control of all that happens to us. Almighty over All also holds key insights for those uncertain of their salvation.



"Difficult biblical truths challenge writers to communicate with precision and clarity. R. C. Sproul Jr., in Almighty over All, has tackled a difficult biblical doctrine with rare precision and an appealing economy of words. This is a wonderful place for Christians to engage some of the most important truths revealed in Holy Scripture, namely the nature of God's power and his control of all things."
--John H. Armstrong, president, Reformation & Revival Ministries, Inc.

"In this day of so much man-centered Christianity, R. C. Sproul Jr. directs us back to the fundamental reason for the existence of creation: the glory of God. God exercises his sovereignty for his own glory--but also for the good of his people. Many readers will question Sproul's treatment of the origin of evil, but all of us must surely agree with him that even evil ultimately serves to glorify God. This is a book for every Christian who wants to grow in the knowledge of God."
--Jerry Bridges, author and speaker

"Theologian R. C. Sproul Jr. is well equipped to write about the great issues. These he faces squarely with sure-footed confidence in a truly scriptural fashion. You may not always like what he says (though you'll like the way he says it) but you certainly will be forced to think. And I challenge you to try to refute his teaching! A book for those who are tired of reading superficial material."
--Jay Adams, author and speaker

The Author

  1. R. C. Sproul Jr.

    R. C. Sproul Jr.

    R. C. Sproul Jr. is a pastor of an Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, editor-in-chief of and contributor to Tabletalk magazine, and director of the Highlands Study Center in Meadowview, Virginia. He has authored or edited four books, including Dollar...

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"Draws in the reader and explores what the sovereignty of God means in excellent fashion."--Youthworker (July/August 1999)

"This book is for every Christian who wants to grow in the knowledge of God."--The Nashville News (April 7, 1999)

"The questions Sproul addresses are profound and difficult, but Almighty Over All makes an important contribution by showing who God is in a manner understandable to today's readers."--Tabletalk (January 2000)