100 Days of Prayer for a Grateful Heart

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Prayers to thank God for all of life's blessings

It's easy to get into a rut where most of our prayers amount to asking God to do things. After all, there are so many needs in the world and in our own lives. But some of the most satisfying and life-giving prayers are those that focus our hearts and minds on what we have already been given.

100 Days of Prayer for a Grateful Heart is a collection of go-to prayers for when you want to be able to see the blessings God sends into your life. Helping you to look outward and upward rather than just inward, these prayers will show you how to express your gratitude to the giver of all good gifts--even when it's hard to see the upside of a situation.

If you need encouragement and inspiration each day, look no further!

The Author

  1. Carolyn Larsen
    Bennorth Images of St. Charles, IL

    Carolyn Larsen

    Carolyn Larsen is the bestselling author of more than 50 books for children and adults. She has been a speaker for women's events and classes around the world, bringing scriptural messages filled with humor and tenderness.

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