10 Habits of Decidedly Defective People
The Successful Loser's Guide to Life
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441225160
- Pub. Date
- Jun 2007
- $12.99
10 Habits of Decidedly Defective People is a road-tested, tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek disaster plan guaranteed to give those bent on destruction proven principles to help them ruin their lives. Filled with anecdotal illustrations, practical philosophy, and zany cartoons, 10 Habits of Decidedly Defective People will propel the slackers among us to...uh...well...nowhere. Yes, to be a successful loser, one must adhere to the credo the author has laid down in these inspired pages. Deviation from these destructive traits could cause the determined loser to derail his disastrous existence and actually end up getting a life! This book will at the same time prevent the sharp, solid, and smart ones from lathering, rinsing, and repeating the deeds of the disastrous ones. For a good laugh, read up and then run in the opposite direction of these principles of disaster.