Introduction to Teach the Text

This series is designed to provide a ready reference for teaching the biblical text, giving easy access to information that is needed to communicate a passage effectively. To that end, the commentary is carefully divided into units that are faithful to the biblical authors’ ideas and of an appropriate length for teaching or preaching. The following standard sections are offered in each unit:

Big Idea

For each unit the commentary identifies the primary theme, or “Big Idea,” that drives both the passage and the commentary.

Key Themes

Together with the Big Idea, the commentary addresses in bullet-point fashion the key ideas presented in the passage.

Understanding the Text

This section focuses on the exegesis of the text and includes several sections.

Teaching the Text

Under this second main heading the commentary offers guidance for teaching the text. In this section the author lays out the main themes and applications of the passage. These are linked carefully to the Big Idea and are represented in the Key Themes.

Illustrating the Text

At this point in the commentary the commentary writers partner with a team of pastor and teachers to provide suggestions for relevant and contemporary illustrations from current culture, entertainment, history, the Bible, news, literature, ethics, biography, daily life, medicine, and over forty other categories. They are designed to spark creative thinking for preachers and teachers and to help them design illustrations that bring alive the passage’s key themes and message.

What Teach the Text Commentary Series Has to Offer Pastors and Bible Teachers

Enjoy these interviews with actual pastors in the field, and learn how the Teach the Text Commentary Series benefits their everyday preparations for the preaching of God’s Word.