Two Baker Academic Titles Receive Awards
Spiritual Companioning by Angela H. Reed, Richard R. Osmer, and Marcus R. Smucker (Baker Academic; ISBN 9780801049897; ebook ISBN 9781493400096; $21.99) has received the 2016 Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center (MIDWC) Book Award. A primary focus within the mission of the MIDWC is to promote and facilitate the expansion of four intellectual commitments that characterized Dallas Willard’s work throughout his career. Those commitments are robust metaphysical realism; epistemological (direct) realism; the development of comprehensive, integrative models of the human person; and the development of objective tests—empirical and nonempirical—for different Christian formative practices that can help to place spiritual formation in the domain of public knowledge.
The four-volume commentary on Acts by Craig Keener (Baker Academic; ISBN 9780801039898; $239.99) was awarded the 2016 Book Award of Excellence by the Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship. The award was announced at the 2016 Conference of the Society for Pentecostal Studies convening at Life Pacific College. The Foundation for Pentecostal Studies was formed in 2005 with the goal of advancing doctoral and postdoctoral biblical scholarship by sponsoring research and publishing projects within the global Pentecostal-Charismatic family.
Baker Academic serves the academy and the church by publishing works that further the pursuit of knowledge and understanding within the context of Christian faith. Building on our Reformed and evangelical heritage, we connect authors and readers across the broader academic community by publishing books that reflect historic Christianity and its contemporary expressions. Our authors are scholars who are leaders in their fields, write irenically, and display a healthy respect for other perspectives and traditions. Our goal is to publish books that are notable for their inherent quality and deemed essential reading by students and scholars.