Serita Ann Jakes
Serita Ann Jakes has been involved in ministry all her life. God was preparing her for the responsibility of carrying out God's vision for his people with her husband, Bishop T.D. Jakes. Her training in theater and mass communications, coupled with her intimate relationship with God, transcends the traditional boundaries of a pastor's wife.
Serita's gracious disposition and consistent love for all God's people have endeared her to the body of Christ throughout the country. With Spirit-filled wisdom and power, she speaks words of encouragement and life to everyone she encounters.
She is known among women from all walks of life and is in demand as a speaker by organizations throughout the country. She is faithful to the care and nurture of her family and can be found close to her husband and children--Jamar, Jermaine, Cora, Sarah, and Thomas Jr.--at all times.