Neil B. Wiseman

Neil B. Wiseman

Neil B. Wiseman is a veteran pastor, clergy educator, writer, editor, and small church consultant. Perhaps his foremost passion in life and ministry has been the development of pastors. He has been a pastors' advocate through his writings, editing, and publication of more than thirty books. He has also worked in the area of pastoral development in clergy education at Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs. Beyond the classroom, Dr. Wiseman founded the quarterly magazine GROW; was the founder of Preaching Today, a monthly audio sermon resource now produced by Christianity Today; founded and directed Small Church Institute; and served as pastor to local congregations for twenty years.

Books by Neil B. Wiseman

  1. The Shepherd's Covenant for Pastors

    The Shepherd's Covenant for Pastors

    Aug 2011
  2. Married to a Pastor

    Married to a Pastor

    Aug 2011
  3. Pastors at Greater Risk

    Pastors at Greater Risk

    Aug 2011
  4. The Heart of a Great Pastor

    The Heart of a Great Pastor

    Sep 2006
  5. They Call Me Pastor

    They Call Me Pastor

    Aug 2000