Judy Dabler
Judy Dabler (MA, MATS, Covenant Theological Seminary) works nationally and internationally as a Christian conciliator, trainer, educator, conference speaker, counselor, and consultant. Drawing on twenty years of leadership experience in two other counseling and conciliation organizations, Judy founded Creative Conciliation® (www.CreativeConciliation.org) to advance the field of Christian conciliation through education, training, and gospel-centered reconciliation services. Judy has coauthored Peacemaking Women and contributed a chapter called "Biblical Counseling, the Church, and Conflict Resolution" in Biblical Counseling and the Church: God's Care Through God's People. Judy is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Missouri and a Certified Christian Conciliator™ with the Institute for Christian Conciliation™. Judy and Jim, her husband of nearly forty years, have recently opened their retreat center with a guest home available for hurting individuals and couples to receive intensive conciliation services in the beautiful Ozark highlands of Missouri.