Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis is an author, activist, preacher, teacher, and pastor. He is a bestselling writer, convener of faith-inspired movements for justice and peace both outside and inside politics, public theologian in a secular culture, renowned speaker in the United States and abroad, and international media commentator on ethics and public life. He is the founder and leader of Sojourners, a magazine, movement, and global network whose mission is to put faith into action for social justice. Wallis has written more than ten books, including The (Un)Common Good and the New York Times bestsellers God's Politics and The Great Awakening. He has written for major newspapers, does regular columns for top digital news networks, and appears frequently on a wide variety of television and radio networks. Wallis also teaches at Georgetown University and has taught at Harvard University. He is husband to Joy Carroll, one of the first women to be ordained a priest in the Church of England, father to two teenage boys, Luke and Jack, and a decades-long Little League baseball coach.
Books by Jim Wallis
America's Original Sin
Feb 2017
America's Original Sin
Jan 2016
The (Un)Common Good
May 2014
Why You Should Care about the Person Who Made Your Cell Phone
Aug 2013
Conservatives, Liberals, and the Fight for America's Future
Aug 2013
God's Economics
Aug 2013
Who Jesus Is and Why It Matters
Aug 2013